The Other Side of the Storm

The Book of Fellows

I’ve spent most of my life in Zimbabwe, so I was very excited at the chance of working and living abroad. My placement site is in Mozambique, on the south-eastern coast of Africa. I work in a small rural town called Chicuque, Inhambane. This small town was right in the middle of Cyclone Dineo, the worst cyclone some of the locals have ever experienced.
It’s the only cyclone that I have ever experienced, and I was petrified! Even before the cyclone hit, everything I was reading about it scared me: the wind speeds, the amount of downfall, and especially the direction of the storm. My little town was right in the center of the storm. Oddly, all the locals that I spoke to about it did not seem too scared–they made plans for the following day while I was thinking, “God may we please survive this!”
By 3pm the winds…

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